Wellbeing in Learning Environments Resources
Faculty and staff members at UBC are continually exploring ways to foster and support wellbeing in learning environments.
There are many simple ways that faculty members can consider student wellbeing in the classroom, and support is available for those who want to adopt wellbeing practices into their existing curriculum. An outcome of the TLEF Project Building Academic Tenacity in Students for Improved Wellbeing, Deeper Learning and Increased Success, has been the development of a number of tools and resources, aimed at instructors who would like to do this.
Strategies to explore include:
Connection through Office Hours
Embedding Mental Health Literacy
Taking Learning Outside in Nature
Fostering Academic Tenacity through Promoting Participation
There are a number of additional teaching and learning resources available on this website, including syllabus content, in-class activities, and suggestions for teaching practices. Be sure to check them out!