November 23, 2023
Meet & Greet with IT Helpdesk
Okanagan Campus | 10:00am–11:00am
Are you tired of tech troubles causing you endless stress? Ever wanted to put a face to the voices on the IT help line?
Well, you’re in luck! Join the UBCO IT Support Team for the most awesome, belly-pleasing, stress-relieving event of the year!
DATE: Thursday, November 23
TIME: 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM
WHERE: ADM 024 Hallway (Just follow the nerd-tastic vibes!)
Staff & fauclty are invited to take a stroll down the ADM ground floor hallway and find a feast of healthy munchies and sips to tantalize your taste buds and meet the friendly faces behind the IT Helpdesk counter, phones, and online support!
REAL PEOPLE, REAL HELP: Meet the geniuses who save your digital bacon. They’re not just voices in the machine, you know!
FUN AND GAMES: Who says tech can’t be fun? Challenge the IT gurus to games, and you might even win some cool tech swag!
TIPS AND TRICKS: Learn the secrets of IT mastery. Unleash the hidden potential of your devices!
HEALTHY EATS: We’re dishing out the best bites to fuel your brain. Say goodbye to the junk food blues!
REFRESHING DRINKS: Sip on thirst quenching refreshments that won’t cause a sugar crash while you chat up our IT heroes!
Don’t miss this chance to make your tech life easier, munch on scrumptious treats, and get to know the IT wizards behind the curtain. You’ll leave with a belly full of joy and a brain full of IT wisdom.
RSVP here:
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