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Make your Move

Small changes can make a big impact and moving more can reduce health issues and stress, increase productivity, and contribute to our overall psychological wellbeing. Plus, exercise can be enjoyable especially when combined with social activities! By starting small and setting reasonable goals, you can ensure that movement becomes part of your daily routine.

Find Ways to Move That Work for You


Take Advantage of Technology

  • Find wearable technology that suits your needs
  • Set daily reminders to get moving
  • Use apps like the Nike+, Carrot Rewards, and Walk10Blocks to have others cheer you on as you crush your fitness goals

    Make It Social

    The best way to begin reducing your sitting time is to think of physical activity less as one dedicated chunk of your day, and more as small, frequent breaks. This means:

    Turn a Day-to-Day Task into Physical Activity

    • Break up prolonged periods of sitting with some of these quick exercise ideas from the Washington Post.
    • Get off the bus a few stops early, or park further away from class or work and walk the rest of the way.
    • Carry a smaller water bottle or use a glass, in order to stand up more frequently to refill it
    • Try studying at an active workstation or treadmill desk

    Actively Explore on Campus

    There are plenty of ways to be physically activity on and off campus for little or no cost. And the good news is that these can be incorporated into your busy day!

    Other On-Campus Resources

    Consider checking out these program providers on campus

    Student Resources

    UBC Faculty and Staff Resources



    Biswas, A., Oh, P. I., Faulkner, G. E., Bajaj, R. R., Silver, M. A., Mitchell, M. S., & Alter, D. A. (2015). Sedentary time and its association with risk for disease incidence, mortality, and hospitalization in adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Annals of internal medicine, 162(2), 123-132.

    ParticipACTION (n.d.).

    The University of British Columbia (2017). UBC Action Framework to Increase Physical Activity and Reduce Sedentary Behaviour. Retrieved from

    Berkowitz, B. & Clark, P. (2014, Jan 20). The health hazards of sitting. The Washington Post. Retrieved from

    The Washington Post (2011, Sept 6). A workout at work? The Washington Post. Retrieved from

    Public Health Agency of Canada (2018). Let’s get moving: A common vision for increasing physical activity and reducing sedentary behaviour in Canada. Retrieved from








    We all have a hand in shaping campus environments that support health, wellbeing, and sustainability. By championing wellbeing, we can build stronger and more inclusive communities at UBC and beyond.