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Move UBC Grants

Please note funds have been allocated for this fiscal year. We invite you to check back on May 1, 2025.  
Do you have an idea to get the UBC community moving?

But need some funds to make it happen? Grants of up to $1,500 are now available for UBC students, faculty, staff, and community members (UNA) planning projects or initiatives that support the wellbeing of our community by moving more!

Move UBC Grants have two funding streams available: 

  • Small grants: Projects requesting quick-start funds under $200 – apply here
  • Large grants: Projects requesting funds between $200-$1,500 – apply here
Small Grants under $200

Are you looking for quick start-up funds for an initiative or project that gets the UBC community moving? Consider applying for a small grant under $200. 

  • All current UBC students, faculty, staff, and community members (UNA) are eligible to apply. 
  • Projects that support the Wellbeing Strategic Framework, Inclusion Action Plan, Indigenous Strategic Plan, and the Climate Action Plan will be given preference.
  • Projects can target the entire UBC community or target a specific audience within the UBC community.
  • Preference will be given to low-barrier and accessible initiatives that have a large reach.
  • Applications must be submitted prior to the event. Applications submitted after an event has already taken place will not be considered.
  • Funding will not be used for an individual’s personal gain or to fund a personal business.
  • Preference will be given to applicants who did not receive funding in 2023/2024.
  • Applicants agree to sharing stories and videos/photos of their initiative.
  • Funds are provided based on a reimbursement model meaning funds must be covered up front. Funds must be used by February 28, 2025.

Applications will be open year round however, we suggest applicants apply at least two months prior to their project date to allow for sufficient adjudicating, processing, and planning. For example, if you plan to host an event in January, apply by November. Funds are allocated on a first come, first serve basis. Applications submitted before January 31, 2025 will need to use their funds and submit all necessary forms by February 28, 2025.

Large grants between $200-$1,500

Do you have a larger, sustainable project that aims to have a lasting impact on campus? Consider applying for a large grant between $200-$1,500.

  • All current UBC students, faculty, staff, and community members (UNA) are eligible to apply. 
  • Projects that support the Wellbeing Strategic Framework, Inclusion Action Plan, Indigenous Strategic Plan, and the Climate Action Plan will be given preference
  • Projects can target the entire UBC community or target a specific population within the UBC community.
  • Preference will be given to projects/initiatives that do not replicate similar projects that already exist at UBC.
  • Projects should aim to have a sustainable or long-lasting impact and include components of collaboration, innovation and sustainability to advance the wellbeing of UBC community members and our planet through physical activity.
  • Applications must be submitted prior to the event. Applications submitted after an event has already taken place will not be considered.
  • Equipment purchased by the grant remains the property of the Office of Physical Activity. Therefore, if the equipment is no longer in use, it may need to be returned to the Office of Physical Activity.
  • Funds will be provided upfront. Recipients must complete and submit a detailed budget of how the funds were spent by February 28, 2025. 
  • Applicants agree to sharing stories and videos/photos of their initiative.
  • Funding will not be used for an individual’s personal gain or to fund a personal business.

Preference will be given to applicants who did not receive funding in 2023/2024. Please see below for funding exclusions:

  • One-time workshops, programs, or events will not be funded. 
  • Operational expenses (hiring of faculty/staff as instructors or to coordinate the program, items that fall within the responsibility of the department to provide)
  • To conduct primarily research-oriented activities; 
  • For building renovations or furniture.

Applications will be open year round until funds are fully allocated. Applications submitted before January 31, 2025, will need to use their funds and submit all necessary forms by February 28, 2025.

How to Apply

Apply here

Set yourself up for success by preparing the following pieces of information for your application:

  • Contact Information
  • Name of your project
  • Description of your project (up to 250 words)
  • Detailed budget breakdown of how the funds will be used
  • Description of how your project will support the various frameworks and plans (up to 250 words)
If you are applying for funds <$200:
  • Indicate if you are looking for an instructor
  • What type of instructor (e.g. yoga instructor)
  • Indicate if you are looking to rent a space
  • What type of space (e.g. studio, gym, etc.)
If you are applying for funds between $200-$1,500:
  • Explanation of how your initiative will have a sustainable or long-lasting impact on the UBC community (up to 300 words).
Have questions?

For any questions, please reach out to


Promote Your Event

Add your event to the Move UBC Calendar to let everyone know about it. 

Submit an event



Here are just a few Move UBC Grant-funded projects from past years. We look forward to seeing even more great projects this year!

Eco walk at Totem Park with UBC Libraries

The team hired a guide to lead several 1-hour nature walks for students and faculty to learn about different plant and tree species and how to help the environment.

Category is… Vogue with the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Science 

The Faculty of Pharmaceutical Science used their funds to create a series of vogueing workshops to teach pharm sci students the 5 elements of vogueing.

That's a Stretch with UBCO Engineering Graduate Student Society

The UBCO Engineering Graduate Society used its funds to rent a space and a yoga instructor to teach students proper stretching techniques and the benefits of good posture. Furthermore, they were able to purchase snacks for participants.

Scooter Share Program with Animal Care Services

The Department of Animal Care Services used funds to purchase scooters and locks for staff to efficiently commute to meetings, healthy lunch options, and support movement across campus.

Cirque De Sore Legs with the Centre for Student Involvement & Careers

Different activities and prizes throughout the month of February encouraged employees in the Workplace Learning Team (WPL) to walk 10,000 steps a day. 

Indoor Netball Bookings with the AMS Netball Club with the Centre for Student Involvement & Careers

The AMS Netball Club used their funds for indoor netball bookings to provide a space for new players and anyone who wanted to play their hometown sport once again.

We all have a hand in shaping campus environments that support health, wellbeing, and sustainability. By championing wellbeing, we can build stronger and more inclusive communities at UBC and beyond.